Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Cystitis treatment by homeopathic medicine

It is a bacterial infection  and inflammation of the bladder. It is occur due to enter bacteria through the urethra. It is the lower urinary tract infection. urinary tract consists of kidneys, two ureters, bladder and urethra.
There are two types of infections such as1.  Community-acquired acquired bladder infections.
bladder infections  2. Hospital-
Symptoms of cystitis
Pain feel during urination
Feel frequent urination but pass small amounts of urine or no urine.
Dark , cloudy or strong  smelling urine
Pain feel when sex,   blood  may found in urine , lower abdomen feel pain , mild fever , tired feeling 
There  are similarities are  found both in men and women.  Fever may comes in children. Appetite reduced and vomiting tendency.
It is caused by E.coli, bacteria  and it lives in the gut.womens are affected  after  sex. When contract the infection called honeymoon cystitis. If  women use birth control method  as diaphragm and caused bladder infections. On the bladder the device presses and in the bladder bacteria reproduce in urine and in bladder. pregnant women may infected urine due to the grows of the foetus. There is also use of condoms and use of spermicides  increase urinary tract infections. Women should treat it and if they take medicine  it may harmless to them. Men feel obstruction in urination and flow of urine. They should use catheters , tubes for inserted the bladder. Interstitial cystitis  may difficult to treat.
Diagnosis of cystitis
When the symptoms  are not improve  within two or three days , you should

contact Gp.  Gp take medical history and diagnose those symptoms. Urine test is done in laboratory. It may develop into kidney infections or fever. In the pelvic area discomfort feeling.
Should not use perfumed soap or talcum powder around genitals
You should have a shower  and should avoid chemicals in genitals.
You should empty your bladder fully always.
You should urinate when you need and don’t wait. You should avoid wearing  tight jeans and trousers. You should not underwear  synthetic material. After sexual intercourse  must urinating. You should drink plenty of fluids every day. you should avoid diaphragm contraceptive method. Cranberry juice  may decrease urinary tract infection.
Cystitis treatment by homeopathic medicine
Below of the homeopathic remedies are uses for homeopathic treatment such as Aconitum apellus,  apis mellifica, Belladonna, Berberis vulgaris, cantharis, Borax, Chimphila umbellate, Clematis,  Equisetum, Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Sarsaparilla, Sepia , staphysagria

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Leucorrhoea treatment by homeopathic medicine

It is the vaginal thick ,green, white or yellow discharge.This is the  vaginal yeast infections, sexually transmitted diseases or bacterial vaginosis. For maintaining good genital health,vaginal discharge is important.In this condition  from the body harmful bacteria and other organisms expel with vaginal secretions. There are two types of leucorrhea such as physiological and pathological.
Physiological leucorrhoea is due to the 1. In newborn infants, in female babies for the reason of
maternal hormones of estrogen.
During puberty in girls due to hormonal changes
In ovulation cycle period and in early pregnancy.
Sexual excitement period
Pathological leucorrhea
It is caused due to improper nutrition and bad health. Due to the dysfunction of the genital tract and due to the inflammation or congestion of the vaginal mucus also caused leucorrhoea. After delivery  many women may have leucorrhoea with foul odor and backaches. It caused due to uterine infection. Leucorrhoea may continues for months or several  weeks and it requires treatment until the symptomssubsiding. To prevent leucorrhoea timely treatment is  need otherwise it  becoming  chronic condition.
1.White menstruation, 2. From the vagina yellowish or whitish discharge , 3.Lethargy, 4.Black patches under the eyes, 4.weakness, 5.Pain in the lumber region and the calves, 6.Spots on undergarments, 7.Digestive disturbances, 8.constipation, 9.Intense itching in the genital region, 10.Headaches .
During sexual intercourse discomfort feeling, White discharge sufficient to undercloths, Itching sensation.
 1.Insufficient or excessive ovarian hormones, 2.chronic cervix infections, 3.Syphilis, 4. Uterine cancer, 5.gonorrhoea, 6. Sexually transmitted disease.
There are two types of parasitic infections such as anaerobic organism and diploid organism –candida albicans.
Treatment of leucorrhoea
1.Should take non-vegetarian diet , meat, egg, fish etc.2.Milk, ghee, green vegetables etc. 3. Drink  lots of water. 5.The vaginal area should be kept clean and dry.
Treatment by homeopathic medicines
The following medicines are uses for treatment such as  calcarea carbonica, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Kreasote, Borax, Alumina, Mercurius, Belladonna, Arsenicum, Natrum Muriaticum, Hydrastis Canadensis.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Infertility and treatment by homeopathic medicine

When inability to conceive after a year of persistent trying.

Causes of infertility
The women of 30 age , may less fertile.
Imbalance of hormone
Irregular menstruation or absence
Smoking and alcohol
Wrongly timed intercourse
Excessive exercising
Underweight or overweight
Contraceptive pills use extensively
From persistent use of hot tubes or
Pesticides and lead toxins exposure to environmental
Heavy use of steroid, radiation, chemotherapy and antifungal medications
Uterine fibroids or endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes
In the structure of abnormalitites in overies and uterus
Thyroid problems, diabetes, genital infections,hypertention, prostrate inflammation, sexually transmitted disease
Testicular injuryof male or undescended testicles
In males premature ejaculation
Abnormality shaped sperms in men  or sperm count low
Self care
Avoid using hot tubes
Should avoid smoking, caffeine, alcohol, escessive exercise etc.
Men should not wear tight pants because it lessens healthy sperm
Should take a balanced diet and weight management
Should avoid sexually transmitted diseases
Estimate your fertile period.
Exams and Tests
Medical history and physical examination of both couples .Blood tests for check hormone levels, follicle stimulating hormone and progesterone hormone. Take body temperature for releasing eggs from ovaries.
FSH test.
Pelvic ultrasound
Luteinizing hormone urine test
Thyroid function tests
Tests in men
Sperm testing
Examination of the penis and testis
Ultrasound of the male genitals
Blood test to check hormone levels
Testicular biopsy
Without treatment infertility eventually become pregnant. After treatment, infertility become pregnant (In vitro fertilization) IVF.

STIs prevention, healthy diet maintaining, healthy lifestyle and weight . This can increase chance of pregnancy.

Treatment by homeopathic medicine

Homeopathy helps to balance reproducing systems both in man and women
It helps to stress related infertility.
It helps  to emotional blockages of infertility
It helps to side effects of infertility treatments. . It helps menstruation, hormonal balance, ovulation .It helps to increasing quantity and quality of sperm in men.
Homeopathic remedies uses for women infertility such as Agnus castus, Sabina, Sepia, Arum, Phosphorus, silica, Lycopodium etc.
Homeopathic medicine uses for men
Sepia, Medorrhinum,  Lycopodium etc.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Allergy from jewelry and control it

Women are uses jewelry than men. The allergy developed from metal and affected the women than men. The allergic reactions may occur in women from metal jewelry. It causes irritation, itching and pain.
Reason of allergy from metal
It is found in recent study that there is development of allergies in the T-cells of our immune system. There are peoples affected with bacterial   it is rarely causes allergies in zinc, lead, copper, silver.  In about 17% women are affected with nickel, cobalt is 5%, 1% to3% is chromium. Nickel is the main source of allergies . The jewelry may glamorous for nickel and it is hiding imperfections. The using of fake coverage jewelry is dangerous. The coverage with nickel looks to like pure gold or silver and it is so glance. Silver, white gold, palladium, zinc etc occurs oftenly.
infections and they are develop an allergy from metal and it is researched the University in Sendai, Japan. And this type of people contact with an infection and causes the allergy can increase and can affected frequently. There are some metals are causes allergens such as cobalt, nickel, chromium etc.
There is allergies and reactions are seen within 24 hours and when contact with the metal to the skin. Then should not use new metal again and should avoiding using it. Then  in a few days, the symptoms will disappear.
Itching, Inflammation, Rash, Irritation in the skin( eczema), Local redness, pain. By sweat the allergic
reactions is hastened.
To prevent allergy and reactions,  should stop wearing jewelry and other items. Many people continue to use ornaments that the allergy may disappear and the boy will suit this ornaments for continue using. But it is not real. The special type of anti-allergy cover the metal and between the skin and it creates a sort of barrier. There is with time it diminishes and on the problem jewel , colorless nail polish can be applied for prevent it and it is s cheapest method for prevent it. If the problems are more serious, then you should consult a dermatologist. You should care about your skin with metal, buttons, buckles, zippers etc. It should be care about excessiveness of nickel that it is very bright or white. The amount of nickel should not exceed more than0.05%of the product.
There is recommended of special diet of the allergic patient and the listed foods are nuts, coca powder, shelfish, dark chocolate, legumes, peas, beans, soybeans , grain crops such as oatmeal, oat brain and wheat, millet, soy flour, buckwheat etc.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Dysmenorhhea causes, symptoms and treatment by homeopathic medicine

It means difficult to monthly flow. Mild abdominal cramps during menstrual period and except cases of 10 % women feel sever pain on the first day or two of the period. It means menstrual   painful cramps. The pain may mild to severe and it spreads to back, thighs or lower
Dysmenorrhea patient
belly. It is common between the teen agers women.When hormonal balance is normal then it goes away.
It is divided into two such as 1. primary dysmenorrhea and 2. Secondary dysmenorrhea
1. Primary dysmenorrhea
It is the normal condition of menstruation not gynecologic disorder. It is more common in women and in 15% cases, it is severe. It is seen in adolescence girls and it is not so harmful. When they mature, then this eases .
2. Secondary dysmenorrhea
It is occur due to gynecological disorder. During adulthood it may be affect women. It is painful menstruation cramping and it is caused by any physical disorder . When the endometrium wall of the uterus like other parts of the cavity( inflammation of the endometrium ) called endometriosis.
Problems may occur at pregnancy
At birth , structural problems occur that the lower part of the uterus  is narrow which opens into the vagina.
Headache, weight gain, tension. During  menstruation pain is felt in lower abdomen, thighs, lower back,hips.  Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, achiness, lightheadedness. The pain starts before or or during menstrual period and this ease after the 24 hours and after 2 to 3 days this subsides. From the uterus clots or bloody tissue are expelled  and caused pain. It’s pain is spasmodic (sharp) or congestive(dull ache,deep).The symptoms of secondary dysmenorrhea  stay longtime period.
Diagnosis Dysmenorrhea
When painful periods, should check with a doctor that causing of it .Doctor may see use ultrasound to internal organs or direct look into uterus by laparoscopy.
Primary dysmenorrhea may treated by medication. Doctors prescribe medications of hormone. Vomiting and nausea can relived with antinausea medicine.  Scendary dysmenorrhea treat with surgery treatment, cervical canal widen or remove fibroids.
Treatment by homeopathic medicine
There are number of homeopathic medicines help to remove and control of menstrual pain. These are act as a deep acting treatment.
Chamomilla,  Belladonna, Colocynthis, cimicifuga, veratrum album, Magnesia phosphorica, veratrum album, Viburnum opulus,  Xanthoxylum,  pulsatilla, Cocculus etc.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Cold and coryza treatment by homeopathic medicine

Coryza patient
It is caused by viral infection and inflammation is occur the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and caused fever, malaise,
chills, sneezing and coughing.
Various types of viruses affected such as adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, influenza viruses etc.
specific allergens, elimination of waste products, pollution etc. About 200 viruses are implicated due to the cause of cold, rhinovirus, a type of picornavirus, human coronavirus,human respiratory syncytial virus, enterovirus, human parainfluenza viruses, metapneumovirus etc.
There is 18 to 48 hourse after the period is called incubation period. Itchy,scratchy, burning throat, watery discharge, malaise and then occur laryngitis, hacking cough, tracheitis, burninig, tightness. Miled fever(100 to102F) may come in small children and infants. There are various complications may occur such as swollen glands, sinusitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, ear infections, etc.
In secondary stage , symptoms are clear discharge, scratchy throat, malaise and sneezing. Less sneezing,with tight, white creamy discharge, itching, tickling, sore throats, chill and fever .
Sore throats, irritating cough, loose coughs, pain in the chest, yellowish discharge etc.  In fourth stage , brownish or yellowish discharges, soreness in the lungs, coughing of lumps and plugs etc.
The coryza dry up and convalescence begun ,and who are strongly affected they should take plenty of fluids and bed red.
It is transmitted by airborne droplets, fomities,  infected by nasal secretions , hand to hand,.In the environment the viruses can survive for long periods(18 hours over). In daycare and and at school, transmission may occur commonly and  it is occur for poor hygiene and poor immunity.So close sitting is greater risk.
Weather- Cold weather, winter season, rain etc are caused this disease. In this weather, the change has occurred in the respiratory system.Low body temperature is therisk factor.

The upper respiratory tract infections occur with symptoms of affecting the nose, bronchitis the lungs, pharyngitis the throat .  it is caused inflammation of the throat, nasal, lungs. Idyentify is not possible for  the virus  through symptoms.
For prevention of this disease  hand washing, healthcare environment , face masks, disposable gloves are use etc.
Gargling warm salt water, take plenty of rest, drinking fluids etc.
There are several  homeopathic medicines are uses such as Aconite, Allium cepa, Arsenicum,  Arum Triph, Belladonna, bryonia, camphor, carboveg, Dulcamara, Carbo veg, Euphrasia, Ferr phos, Eupatorium Perf, Gelsemium, Hepar sulph, Ipecac, Kali Bich, Kali-m, Kali-I, Mercurius, Natrun Mur, Nux Vomica, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sulphur etc.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Mumps treatment by homeopathic medicine

Mumps patient

Mumps patient
By a virus mumps caused and through saliva it spreads and many parts of the body affected, the parotid salivary glands specially. For the mouth saliva produce and found the back of check and it is the parotid salivary glands between the jaw and
1. Fever 103 degrees Farenheit(39.4 degrees Celsius).
2. Headache
3.Loss of appetite
5.Pain in the parotid glands. The glands are painful and swollen 1to 3 days. During the swallowing,  chewing, talking or drinking juices.Other groups of salivary glands  may attack in rare cases. When it is occurs then the tongue, under the jaw can be swelling and infront of the chest.The brain and other organs can inflammated due to the mumps but it is not common.
Diagnosis of mumps
For mumps diagnosis , a virus culture or a blood test is required. It helps you to create antibodies that fight an infection. To exclude very infrequent presenting parotid gland such as sjogren’s syndrome, IgG-4 , sarcoidosis, cancer, salivary gland etc.It can be done by doctor urine, Blood or cerebrospinal fluid.
Prevention of mumps
Flu prevention from spreading it , proper hand washing, should be use tissue to catch sneezes. They have lifelong immunity, who had mumps at his child age.
Treatment by homeopathic remedies
There are several medicines are uses for treatment of mumps such as Belladonna, Mercurius , Rhus toxicodendron ,  pulsatilla, phytolacca, pilocapinum , aconitum etc.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Autism in young people and children

It means that a condition and it affects an individual communicates with and relates to other people. Social interaction and social communication with persistent difficulties and they may find it difficult to make friends or they may not understand social rules. They have repetitive body movements, inflexible routines, restricted interests or activities or hypersensitiveness.
In diagnosis, it has a positive thing. Your child may have some difficulties that give you access to support and services. From country to country the process of diagnosis varies and when you contact your general physician or health visitor then will refer you to more specialist services.
On the autism spectrum , children and young people and their parents and cares face many issues and challenges on a day. They may have some issues such as excessive anxiety or difficulties with communication  and whatever their age. So should finding the right school that they can read who are affected with autism. Every children has a unique individual autism and they need and abilities are unique. They will experience those issues in a unique way or may not at all.
On the autism spectrum, children and young people are helped by many countries. Those services enormously between countries and within the same country .To help children with autism, some specialist schools are specifically designed.
On the autism spectrum  to  improve the quality of life for children and young people and interventions are
designed such as therapies and treatments. To improve the quality of life of parents and cares by some interventions that are designed .The interventions have personalised and unique characteristics.
There are severel organizations in the many countries such as Autism Cymru, Autism Education Trust, Irish society for Autism, National Autistic society, scotish Autism.
Forums for parents/ cares
Autism and Aspergers in The familyliving with Autistic spectrum disorder,Autism parents
National Institute for health and care Excellence

NICE is the Institute that provides advice and national guidance and to improve health and social care.On the autism spectrum Nice produce a range of clinical guidance.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Computer vision syndrome and digital eye strain

When using computers at work more and then eye strain may occur. In 50 to 90 percent computer workers , visual symptoms and eye strain occur. It is major job- related complaint. For this reason physical fatigue,  productivity decreased and number of work errors increased. There are various types of eye problems are occur such as eye twitching, red eyes etc.
Children and computer vision syndrome
Infront of a computer, when  children spend time more than adults and computer use is affecting the eyes of teens and pre-teens. It causes mistakes and affect productivity at work due to eye strain and it affects normal vision development.When any child spend two hours per day in front of a computer screen, it will experience computer vision syndrome slightly.
Symptoms of computer vision syndrome
*. Headaches                     *. Eye twitchingn  *Neck and shoulder pain  *.Red eyes.
*. Double vision
*. Blurred vision
*. Burning eyes
*.Loss of focus
*.Tired eyed.
Causes of computer syndrome
It is caused by our eyes and brain reacting differently and on a computer screen . Our eyes have dense black characters with well-defined edges and have little problem focusing on printed material.On a computer screen have not the same degree of contrast and definition.By combinations of tiny points of light pixels , computer screens are created and at the centre it is the brightest and towards their edges, it is diminish in intensity.To the RPA our eyes involuntarily move and on the screen strain to regain focus.It creates fatigue and eye strain  that is continous flexing of the eyes’ focusing muscles.
Should get a comprehensive eye exam
A routine comprehensive eye exam is important thing for computer worker that prevent or treat computer vision problems. Computer worker should get eye exam and should take advice  from eye doctor.
There is 10 easy tips for computer worker to reduce computer eye strain and computer vision syndrome.
1. Get a comprehensive eye exam.  2. Minimize glare. 3. Use proper lighting.  4. Adjust your computer display setting such as  Brightness ,  text size and contrast, color temperature  5..  Upgrade your display –you should choose a large display that may be at least 19 inches.
6. Blink more often- when working at a computer, blinking is very important. It prevents dryness, irritation and moistens eyes.
7. Exercise your eyes
To reduce your risk of tiring your eyes , you should constantly focusing your screen and from your computer should look away at least every 20 minutes. For at least 20 seconds gaze at a distant object.
8. Take frequent breaks
You should  take  frequent breaks that can reduce your risk for computer vision syndrome and back, neck and shoulder pain.You should take five- minute mini- breaks throughout their work day.  To reduce tension and muscle fatigue , you should stand up, move and stretch your arms, back, legs, neck and shoulders during the computer breaks.
9. Modify your workstation
From your eyes, you should position your  computer screen 20 to 24 inches.  For comfortable positioning of your head and neck you should 10 to 15 degrees below your eyes.
10. Consider computer eyewear

You should modify your eyeglasses prescription . It will give you more benefit for eye care. Contact lenses use may become dryness, uncomfortable at computer working.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Dyspepsia treatment by homeopathic medicine

Dyspepsia means indigestion or upset of the stomach.

1. Pain in the upper abdomen. 2.  Belching feeling. 3 . Heart burn. 4. Nausea and vomiting. 5. Abdominal distension. 6. Abdominal bloating.  7.Loss of appetite. Dyspepsia  is major symptoms  and sometimes associated with peptic ulceration.
Causes of dyspepsia
1. Having too much  caffeine. 2.  Eating too much fat. 3. Drinking too much alcohol. 4. Eating spicy foods. 5. Emotional stress. 6. Eating too much. 7. Emotional stress.  Human should maintain their health and
prevention of this disease.  Foods can help to grow well and enjoy good health. It is caused by many food items such as fried food things, spices, beer or onions.Worry is the one of the causes of indigestion. Indigestion caused due to defective teeth. Alcohol  drinking is the causes of dyspepsia. Drinking of alcohol , indigestion power is decreasing. Dyspepsia  is caused from tobacco and smoking. Dyspepsia may caused from tea drinking. * Dyspepsia can caused from cold. * Dyspepsia  is caused from bad air. *. Dyspepsia is caused from vinegar.*. Dyspepsia is caused from nervous debility.
Dyspepsia is  caused  by upper gastrointestinal disorders-
1. Peptic ulcer disease. 2. Gall stones. 3. Acute gastritis. 3. Motility disorders .
Other disorders-
Chronic pancreatic , cancer.
Hepatic disease- Metasstases, hepatitis. Colonic carcinoma.
Systemic causes – Hyper calcaemia, Renal failure.
For prevention of this disease  every one should take proper food, proper quantity of food and proper rest.  Shouls not take cold meat and aversion it. It causes indigestion.
Useful suppliments
1. Aloe vera juice-   It removes the digestive mucous membranes.
2. Vitamin B6 – It helps to recovery of dyspepsia.  3. . Vitamin c and vitamin E- It helps to recovery of dyspepsia.
 Treatment of dyspepsia with homeopathic medicine. 

In both acute and chronic cases of dyspepsia  homeopathic medicine proving has excellent  result and output.
The symptoms of heart burn, abdominal pain, bloating etc can be removed by homeopathic medicine.and it prevents this disease. Folowing these medicines are uses for treatment of dyspepsia such as Bryonia, carbo vegtabilis,  China officinalis, Chamomilla, Ignatia, Nux vomica, Lycopodium,  pulsatilla, Sepia, Sulphur, Phosphorus, natrum carbonicum, Kali carbonicum, Graphites, Arsenicum, Argentum nitricum, 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Otalgia treatment by homeopathic medicine

Otalgia patient
Otalgia is called when pain in the ear.  When Outer ear infections,  middle ear infections, mastoiditis  and the ear area  are infected caused ear pain. From infections pain can arises and affect the ear nerves.  It is
also named referred pain.  Pain is also arise from jaw disorders, dental conditions, throat area and affections of the upper digestive tract.
Otalgia is two types such as primary and secondary.  Ear infection is primary otalgia and  it is releted   directly to the  ear.  When  ear pain arises from another source of the body, then it is called secondary otalgia.
Causes of otalgia
Infections otalgia
1. otitis media. 2. Sinusitis. 3. Swimmer’s ear. 4. Mastoiditis. 5. Perichondritis.
Neoplastic  otalgia
Aerodigestive tract, the ear, parotid gland etc  are involving with cancers.
Near certain nerves malignant  or benign growths. Tension headache, Musculoskeletal otalgia, migraine headaches, Gerd, earwax accumulation,

jaw or neck , trauma to the ear.
Physical Exam for Otalgia
With an otoscope inspection of the tympanic membrane and the ear canal and it is look that how to perform otitis media.
To fully identify the cause of otalgia other exams needed such as endoscopy, CT scan, laryngoscopy, X-rays, MRi and audiometry.
Treatment of otalgia
Otalgia is occur different causes. In serious cases of otalgia , should  take advise  from the ENT consultantand should  take antibiotic with his prescribe. But in primary cases   patient take homeopathic treatment.
Treatment by homeopathic medicine
Folowing the homeopathic remedies  can cured the disease such as

1. Belladonna . 2. Aconite. 3. Pulsatilla. 4. Ferrum Phosphoricum. 5. Capsicum. 6. Chamomile. 7. Silicea. 8. Mercurius. 9. Causticum. 10. Hepar sulphur.  11. Sulphur.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Abcess treatment by homeopathic medicine

It is a localized collection of pus and caused by an infection and in any part of the body. It is painful, warm to touch and it is found  any place on body. It is found in armpits, anus, vagina, the base of spine, around a tooth, in your groin and it is called boil. Due to untreated tooth decay, root canal treatment failure, cracked teeth.  Dental abcess is three types such as gingival abscess, peripetal abcess, periodontal abcess.Abcess has inflammation, pus formation and painfulness and swelling etc. Abcess accumulates dead bacteria and dead white blood cells that inhibit to bacterial growth.The body  will absorb the pus gradually and will fight off the infection. The abcess leaving to heal on its own.The pus will continue to accumulate and on the skin putting pressure. The abcess will rupture eventually.
Cause of abcess
It is caused by bacterial infection. It is also caused by parasite infection. It is may occur by physical injury or trauma, triggered by foreign body.
Sign and symptomsof abcess
Abscess before treatment
Abscess after treatment
Inflammation, swelling, painfulness and fever.  Abcess is occur  on any part of the body or organ such as mouth, skin, lungs, liver, appendix,
bones, nose, spine, tonsils, sinus etc.
The prominent symptoms are swelling,  hot, red,pus formation, redness, fever and discharge.The infection may spread to other parts of the body. Septicemia occur when infection is severe.
Treatment of abcess
Conventional treatment
If the abscess occur for bacterial infection then need to antibiotics.
Treatment by homeopathic medicine
For recurring and resistant cases of abscess  homeopathy is indicated strongly.Homeopathic treatment may help drainage, surgeries and dental extractions. Following the remedies are uses for homeopathic treatment such as 
Belladonna, Hepar sulphur, Silicea, Mercurius, Lachesis, carbo vegtabilis, Sulphur, Arnica, Rhus toxicodendron, Echinacea, Nitric acid, Phosphorus, Calcarea pic, Ichothyolum, kali discussing, Hydroiodicum,    Calcarea sulph etc.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Treatment and protection of hair lossby naturopathy and homeopathic medicine

Hair loss is a very common problem.  In per day 50-100 strands hair is break up .It is replaced with new ones and hormonal change, aging, hereditary etc contributes permanent loss of hair.This problem is solved with alternative medicine such as ayurveda, homeopathy, naturopathy, yoga, unani, acupuncture, siddha, diet etc.these are protective,
preventive and curing  the hair loss.
Sign and symptoms of hair loss
1.Complete hair loss or getting  thin inscalp hair, horse shoe shape like. 2. At the crown diffused hair or thinning hair in women.3. In patches lossof hair.4. On the top steady hair loss.5. After great illness or stress hairs are loss. 6. From the hair line male baldness occurs.
Causes of hair loss
Bleaching , coloring, frequent combing, straightening, Blow dryers, hereditary factor, childbirth and Birth control pill, pregnancy due to hormonal changes, diabetes, major surgery, polycystic overies,
malnutrition, thyroid disease, iron deficiency, skin disease like psoriasis, hypervitaminosis , fungal infection, blood pressure medication, Anti- inflammatory drugs, low cholesterol drugs.
Reason for hair loss
Sickness and infectious disease, ageing, injury, harm radiation, ulcer drugs, lower level of estrogen and higher level of androgen hormone.
Hairloss in women
Thinning of hair is common problem in the women. There is 20%-50% women faced hair loss of her life.Hair loss may affect career, marital life, socal networking, job opportunities, stress, anxiety, depression etc.
Risk factors of hair fall in women
Stress, control of birth pill,  stress, prescribed medications, rapid weight loss, lack of nutrients and lack of proper vitamins in diet, chemo and radiation therapy, hormonal changes, scalp infection,low level of estrogen etc.
Treatment of hair falling in Naturopathy
1.Gentle scalp massage improves blood circulation and it stimulates hair grow. 2.  You can use Amla, sesame oil, coconut oil , rosemary oil,

lavender oil, cedar  wood, Bhringaasava etc.3.   Vitamin E oil massage. 4. You  should be avoided animal products, dairy products etc. 5. Sprouts, soy, legumes, fresh vegetables etc. 6. Minerals  help strengthen hair like cucumbers, sprouts, potatoes etc. 7. Aloe vera is important  for treatment of hair loss. 8. Henna is important  for hair shining and it protects hair thinning.9. Grape extract and vitamin b can be used.
Prevention of hair falling
1.   Should not use hairdryer, hair dyes and curling excessively. 2. You should not take sound sleep . 3.  It should be control stress and anxiety. 3. It should not use coloring excessively. 4. Healthy food prevents hair loss such as Eggs,  beans, fish, raisins, seafood, beans sprout, 5. Vitamin c take 1,000-3000 mg/ day.6. For hair growth B vitamins and biotin are need. 6. Iron is also needed for the oxygenation of blood. 7. For hair growth vitamin E is needed.8. It should be avoided harsh shampoo, conditioners.
Hair loss treatment by homeopathic medicine.
Folowing the medicines are uses for treatment of  hair falling
Arsenicum Album, Silicea, Grapites, phosphorous, lycopodium, kali carbonicum