It is a bacterial infection
and inflammation of the bladder. It is occur due to enter bacteria
through the urethra. It is the lower urinary tract infection. urinary tract
consists of kidneys, two ureters, bladder and urethra.
There are two types of infections such as1. Community-acquired acquired bladder
bladder infections 2. Hospital-
Symptoms of cystitis
Pain feel during urination
Feel frequent urination but pass small amounts of urine or
no urine.
Dark , cloudy or strong
smelling urine
Pain feel when sex,
blood may found in urine , lower
abdomen feel pain , mild fever , tired feeling
There are
similarities are found both in men and
women. Fever may comes in children.
Appetite reduced and vomiting tendency.
It is caused by E.coli, bacteria and it lives in the gut.womens are
affected after sex. When contract the infection called
honeymoon cystitis. If women use birth
control method as diaphragm and caused
bladder infections. On the bladder the device presses and in the bladder
bacteria reproduce in urine and in bladder. pregnant women may infected urine
due to the grows of the foetus. There is also use of condoms and use of
spermicides increase urinary tract
infections. Women should treat it and if they take medicine it may harmless to them. Men feel obstruction
in urination and flow of urine. They should use catheters , tubes for inserted
the bladder. Interstitial cystitis may
difficult to treat.
Diagnosis of cystitis
Should not use perfumed soap or talcum powder around
You should have a shower
and should avoid chemicals in genitals.
You should empty your bladder fully always.
You should urinate when you need and don’t wait. You should
avoid wearing tight jeans and trousers. You
should not underwear synthetic material.
After sexual intercourse must urinating.
You should drink plenty of fluids every day. you should avoid diaphragm
contraceptive method. Cranberry juice
may decrease urinary tract infection.
Cystitis treatment by homeopathic
Below of the homeopathic remedies are uses for homeopathic
treatment such as Aconitum apellus, apis
mellifica, Belladonna, Berberis vulgaris, cantharis, Borax, Chimphila umbellate,
Clematis, Equisetum, Lycopodium, Nux
vomica, Sarsaparilla, Sepia , staphysagria