Sunday, December 14, 2014

Leucorrhoea treatment by homeopathic medicine

It is the vaginal thick ,green, white or yellow discharge.This is the  vaginal yeast infections, sexually transmitted diseases or bacterial vaginosis. For maintaining good genital health,vaginal discharge is important.In this condition  from the body harmful bacteria and other organisms expel with vaginal secretions. There are two types of leucorrhea such as physiological and pathological.
Physiological leucorrhoea is due to the 1. In newborn infants, in female babies for the reason of
maternal hormones of estrogen.
During puberty in girls due to hormonal changes
In ovulation cycle period and in early pregnancy.
Sexual excitement period
Pathological leucorrhea
It is caused due to improper nutrition and bad health. Due to the dysfunction of the genital tract and due to the inflammation or congestion of the vaginal mucus also caused leucorrhoea. After delivery  many women may have leucorrhoea with foul odor and backaches. It caused due to uterine infection. Leucorrhoea may continues for months or several  weeks and it requires treatment until the symptomssubsiding. To prevent leucorrhoea timely treatment is  need otherwise it  becoming  chronic condition.
1.White menstruation, 2. From the vagina yellowish or whitish discharge , 3.Lethargy, 4.Black patches under the eyes, 4.weakness, 5.Pain in the lumber region and the calves, 6.Spots on undergarments, 7.Digestive disturbances, 8.constipation, 9.Intense itching in the genital region, 10.Headaches .
During sexual intercourse discomfort feeling, White discharge sufficient to undercloths, Itching sensation.
 1.Insufficient or excessive ovarian hormones, 2.chronic cervix infections, 3.Syphilis, 4. Uterine cancer, 5.gonorrhoea, 6. Sexually transmitted disease.
There are two types of parasitic infections such as anaerobic organism and diploid organism –candida albicans.
Treatment of leucorrhoea
1.Should take non-vegetarian diet , meat, egg, fish etc.2.Milk, ghee, green vegetables etc. 3. Drink  lots of water. 5.The vaginal area should be kept clean and dry.
Treatment by homeopathic medicines
The following medicines are uses for treatment such as  calcarea carbonica, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Kreasote, Borax, Alumina, Mercurius, Belladonna, Arsenicum, Natrum Muriaticum, Hydrastis Canadensis.

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