Friday, May 22, 2015

Toothache treatment by homeopathic medicine

When pain in jaws and around tooth and it may affects the teeth caused toothache.
Causes of toothace
1.Tooth decay, 2. Tooth fracture, 3. Abscessed tooth, 4. Damaged filling, 5. Gums infected, 6.  Grinding of teethor chewing gum.
Symptoms of toothache
1.       Tooth pain is throbbing , sharp, constantly pain. If around the tooth pressure is applied then feel pain.
2.       Headache or fever.  3. Around the tooth is swelling. 4. Sensitivity cold or hot. 5. From the tooth  discharge or bleeding.  6. Trauma or injury of the area.  7. Throat pain or sinusitis.

Diagnosis of toothache
Physical  examination and medical history are take for diagnosis . X-rays may take for it. ECG
tracing and lab evaluatuin also take.
Prevention of toothache
It can be avoidable from severe dental problems.  It should  regular dental care. It should  need regular brushing habits , take healthy diet.  After eating should need brushing. In children for preventing of tooth decay fluoride is very effective to decay teeth. It is found in vegetables and water supplies. Should not take smoke.

Treatment by homeopathic medicine

There are several medicines are uses for this treatment such as Aconite, arnica, belladonna, chamomilla, coffea,  hepar sulphur, hypericum,  mercurius,  nux moschata, plantago, ruta, staphysagria, calcarea flour, silicea, calcarea phos, kreosote etc.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Nanoparticle Phoresis

Nano particle Phoresis

It is a new tech device for the treatment of cancer. It is like a band or strap type and look like wristwatch. It has  capacity for automatically modify or destroy one and it's target for adverse health effect in the blood. It would have capacity to increase  effectiveness of  fighting deaseses and it could be beaming energy into the blood vessels for stimulate the cells and molecules.It could be possible million of tiny objects introduced into the  wearer's bloodstream and in the wrist band it might be activated  in the wrist band by magnet .It could have capacity from the wearer's  health state accept inputs such as feeling tired, feeling cold, feeling energetic, feeling stressed, allergy sympestablish It could have capacity to collect and establish effective signal levels and could be modicate. This device would be very necessary for seriously ill patients. In future it would be possible to live many centuries old.
It could have capacity to feature sensors, motors and other tools.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Eczema treatment by homeopathic medicine

Atopic dermatites
Eczema is a itchy skin rash,
And it is a type of group conditions and it causes inflammation.It may be primary or chronic , mild or severe skin infections, when affected person contact with herpes simplex virus,skin infections.Serious types complications caused various complications. and contact by dermatitis
which has allergic reactions.
Atopic dermatitis
It is a prevalent type of chronic eczema and it is a inherited condition from families.
It will affect 10% to 20% peoples in their lives.
Dyshidrotic eczema
It attacks on the palm of the hands, soles of the feet and sides of the fingers .It is itching and blisters.
Nummular dermatitis
It is normally occurs in old adults. It is round patches of scaly and inflamed skin.
Nummular dermatities
It may occurs anywhere in the body and more affects on the leg generally.
It occurs more in winter season and it strikes dry skin.
Stasis dermatitis
It occurs in the lower legs of old adults. It is caused for the poor circulation of blood in the lower legs. It is caused by varicous veins.

Causes of eczema
Genetic inheritance is a main factor of eczema.And who has allergies much .Some chemicals also caused it and irritants of skin.It occurs temporary bout of Contact dermatitis.
Stasis dermatitis is caused by lower circulation of blood in lower legs.

Signs and symptoms of eczema

Atopic dermatitis

1.Red, dry and itching sensation on the skin. It occurs in child hood. It occurs behind the knees,  around the allows, scalp, face, chest, neck. It is caused by herpes simplex virus.In serious conditions it caused rash and fever.
2. Dyshidrotic eczema
On the palms of the hands ,soles of the feet and sides of the fingers  blisters can occur.Itching and burning sensation and may crack or peel.
3.Nummular eczema
Red, itchy and coin shaped discharge form.
4.Stasis dermatitis
Scaly skin and inflammation of the lower legs and ankles. It turn into dark brown.
Diagnosis of eczema
Doctor will examine and investigate it. Doctor will ask you that you have any allergies or any contact with it.  The physician will distinguish in which type of eczema. Skin biopsy or other test can occur when needs.

Should bath with cool water and use gentle soap. Should use slightly soap as possible.
Should avoid moisturizer.should avoid moisturized perfumes because it may worsen .
Should avoid scratched this affected area.
Should keep fingernails short.
Should not stay sweat on skin.
Should uncovered the affected side.
Treatment by homeopathic medicines
Below of the remedies help to cure eczema such as Antimonium crodum, arsenicum album, arrum triphyllum, cacarea carbonica, calendula, Graphities, heparsulphuris calcareum, mezereum, rhustoxicodendron , petrolium, Sulphur.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Influenza treatment by homeopathic medicine

Influenza is a respiratory illness and by influenza  viruses it is caused. It occurs mild to severe symptoms. Influenza can cause death. For the prevention of influenza , vaccination is need every year.
Influenza has more complications such as bacterial pneumonia, sinus infections, chronic medical conditions worsening,  asthma,
diabetes, congestive heart failure.
Influenza is caused by three types of viruses such as type A, B, and C.  A type of viruses are spread and live in ducks, pigs, chickens, horses etc.  Influenza B viruses are found in humans .
These viruses can  spread by coughing or sneezing  and it can spread person to person. It can spread contaminated with infected people with touching of their mouth or nose.  It can affect people before develop of symptoms  and up to seven days  after becoming sick.
Fever, fatigue, headache, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, diarrhea, bodyaches, vomiting.  It can be high risk when symptoms are in severe condition. It may must risk in ages people , pregnant women and young women.
For prevention vaccination is a step each year. You should avoid sick person who are affected. If you are affect then you should cover your mouth and nose during your cough or sneeze period. You should wash your hands,  you should avoid touching your nose , mouth or eyes. You should take
proper sleep and take profuge fluids.
Pains and aches  everywhere , bad headache,  drycough,  high fever, sore throat,  nausea and vomiting,  runny nose,  tiredness, high fever.
Treatment by homeopathic  medicine

There are different medicines are uses for treatment of this diseases such as Acconitum, arsenicum,  belladonna, eupatorium, bryonia,  ferrum phos,  anas barbariae, gelsemium,  rhustox, influenzium etc.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Otitis media treatment by homeopathis medicine

Inflammation of the middle ear is called otitis media .” Media” means middle. The infections can spread to throats  or other respiratory organs.  It is caused by bacteria or virus. It may be acute
or chronic.
Acute otitis media
It means that in the middle ear fluid accumulation and pain , drainage of purulent material(pus) and 
fever may present.
Chronic otitis media
When inflammation of the middle ear persistently is called chronic otitis media. It may persistent  for a month. It can develop for a prolong period and it can damage to the middle ear and eardrum. It  can painless  and absent of fever .It has ear pressure  or poping. It may be subtle loss .
 1.Swimming is the main causes of ear infection.  By swimming polluted water can trapped in the ear. 
2. Constriction of the ear canal.
3.Cotton swabs or other small objects in the ear canal is the cause of breaks in the skin .Ear canal is inflamed by this objects.
4.For prolong period water may remain in the ear canal.
There are two factors are causes of develop of external otitis such as 1. Germs causes of infect the skin and 2. Integrity of the skin canal.  When skin condition uninjured and healthy sewage may contaminated. In chronic condition ear canal may affected  and seborrheric dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis  or abnormal keratin production.
5.Ear canal infection by fungal and it is called otomycosis. It can be severe condition. It can pressure and ever-increasing pain,  edema.
Sign and symptoms
1.       Pain in the ear , acute external otitis .
2.       When touched or gently pulled pain can worse.
3.       Ear discharge and itchiness.
4.       Swelling enough and in the ear canal discharge may present.
5.       Hearing loss due to external otitis.
6.       .Traumas of the injured skin due to cleaning self and recurrent worsen it.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is causes of it. It has gram-positive and gram-negative species. The fungal species  such as Candida albicans and Aspergillus  are  in this group.
When diagnosis it and redness and swollen found . Eczema like or scaly shedding of the skin may found. The outer ear feel pain when touch this part. So  physical exam is need to diagnosis it. Sometimes diagnosis is difficult for inflammation and presence of debris and drainage. Bacteria or fungus  is identify by culture. Swelling of lymph node in severe condition.
1.       Should avoid inserting into the ear canal.
2.       A swimming person should use a small battery-powered ear dryer after swimming.
3.       Should avoid swimming in polluted water.
4.       Should  avoid swimming or washing hair in acute otitis condition.
5.       Should use earplugs during swimming and shampooing period.
6.       Ear canals have normal self-cleaning and self-drying mechanism and evaporation condition.
Treatment by homeopathic medicine
There are several medicines are uses for this such as Belladonna, pulsatilla, Ferrum phosphoricum , chamomilla, hepar sulphuris calcareum, magnesia phosphoric, mercurius solubilis etc.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Diabetes treatment by homeopathic medicine

Type 1 diabetes
In this type insulin does not produce in body. 10% of cases are type 1.
Type2 Diabetes
It is a type of metabolic disorder of blood glucose , inadequate production of insulin or for insulin body’s cells cannot respond  properly or both  and patients feel more thirsty , hungry and
Blood sugar levels high in diabetes
For proper function insulin is not produce enough in body.  About 90% of diabetes are in this type.
Gestational Diabetes
It is occurred in pregnancy period.
Causes of Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes is caused by an automatic disorder.
In this condition the immune system is attacked and provoked by combination of genetic predisposition and additional factors and  the insulin- producing cells are killing in the pancreas.
Type2 diabetes
 Due to the Insulin resistance , type 2 diabetes is occurred. In this condition the body can’t use insulin . For this condition from the blood into cells glucose cannot run. Due to excess sugar in the blood the pancreas become poisons and it produce less insulin. Then it is so difficult and under controllable.
Obesity is a main factor for insulin resistance.90% peoples may affect with this type of 2diabetes.
Others risk factors are involved  such as
 1.HIVinfection,  2. Obstructive sleep apnea,  3. Mental health disorders ,  4.High cholesterol , 5.  High blood pressure,   6. Giving birth to a large baby,  7. Pokycystic ovary syndrome.
Symptoms of diabetes
1.Urinate frequently, 2. Excessive thirsty feel,  3. Very tired feel,  4. Severe weight loss feel,  5. Food intake excessive.
Diabetes 2.
1.       Mild thirst, 2. Frequently urinate, 3. Mild fatigue feel,  4. Blurred vision, 5.
Diagnosing Diabetes
It is diagnosed by simple blood tests. When found glucose level  7.0m moI/L or higher  after 8 houres of fasting. When it is found between 6.1mm01/L and 6.9mm01/L and it may develop into diabetes.
It is a chronic condition of the body and whole entire life it may last. For prevention of diabetes blood glucose level   should be too keep in normal condition.
Patient should changes lifestyle such as diet  and exercise,    medication use,  blood glucose levels monitor. Blood glucose level should measurement for the target range of blood glucose levels in the blood.
Treatment by homeopathic medicine
There are below of the medicines are uses for treatment of diabetes such as   
Uranium nitrate, phosphoric acid, phosphorus,  lactic acid,  Bryonia , Insulin etc.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Trigeminal neuralgia treatment by homeopathic medicine

It is a chronic , debilitating condition and neuropathic  disorder of the vth  cranial nerve. It has  mixed trigeminal nerve  senses  modalities. Sensation,
nociception, thermoception, muscles of mastication.
It occurs in the ages of 50 to 6o years.With age it is increasing. In females it is more common.  Genetic predisposition,
It is caused by a loop of artery or vein of the compression to the trigeminal nerve. In 5-10% of tumors, abnormalities  of the skull base, multiple sclerosis  and it can damages the trigeminal nerve,  arteriovenous malformations , post herpetic neuralgia, on the trigeminal nerve blood vessel pressing , tongue piercing, enduring stress, lower part of the brain stroke impacting,  kissing, drinking, eating, smiling, talking, crying etc.
It is caused unilateral, stabbing, brief and sudden  occurs recurrent pain of the vth cranial nerve. Pain

occurs for a few seconds to two minutes. It attacks a day a few to hundreds. It may last  from months to years. Tingling or numbness ,  severe, sharp, shock-like pains. Pains arise on one  side in the face or check and it can involve nose, eyes, lips and scalp. These last for days, weeks, months or even tears. Bilateral pains nay have 3-5% of patients. In 10-12% cases are found in both sides. Pain is more severe in both sides and pain in frequency and severe.  Pain feel in the index finger also. Pain feel stabbing, pricking or burning ,  weight loss, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, restlessness, Dryness of eyes, dryness of mouth and caused lower secretion of saliva.
Physical or laboratory diagnosis  is done. Quickly need  treat and diagnose. By movements of the tongue or facial muscles, triggering is occur.
Surgical therapy is poor when is not effective medical treatment. Radiofrequency thermorhizotomy may effective, gamma knife radiosurgery may effectiveness that decreases with time.
Treatment by homeopathic medicine
There are several  homeopathic medicines are uses  such as when right side of the face is affected then uses   Magnesium phosphoricum,  kalium phosphoricum .
When affected left sided then uses spigelia, lachesis.
When affected by tooth extraction then uses  hekla lava, plantago major.