Sunday, May 4, 2014


Arthritis is the type of chronic deasese. Arthrities is deasese of the joints.  “wear and tear” of the joints are the conditions of Osteoarthritis. it may be  painful,stiff
And creak when it is moved .
wearing out of the cartilage, ough, slippery “gristle etc
are the root of the problem .It  either side of the joint may react and forming small bony outgrowths  are called osteophytes. Bony nodes also seen in the last joint of the fingers .when affecting the spine then degeneration  is occur and that is called spondylosis .
osteoarthritis increases with age and it is a degenerative condition.
The  rheumatoid arthritis is the commonest form of arthritis and it is the inflammatory arthritis. It is  commoner in women than men. It caused for unknown cause .It is generaly affects the small joints  of the body such as  the hands and feet, and the fingers. Any joint in the body  it may affected  and like nodules are seen under the skin .It affects the  tennis elbow and the golfer’s elbow and occur inflammation of the capsule of tissues of the joints .It  affects the shoulder commonly. There are may occur  several type of arthritis.

Homeopathic   approach – The problem  worse or better  that when any factor such as sleep disturbance, limitation of particular activities, pain, stiffness etc are worse then it is called aggravation  and when feel better then it is called ammeleration. The physician should take the mental symptoms general symptoms from the patient.  Mental symptoms means when and how the patient  reacts to and      the physician should took these problems carefully.There are many types ofarthrities are affected to the human body such as rheumatoid –arthritis, bursitis, fibromyalgia, polymyalgia, osteo-arthritis and so on. In homeopathy general symptoms, mental symptoms, guiding symptoms etc individual symptoms are collected and investigated to the patient.

In homeopathic treatment, several remedies are use and proved to the patient. These can treat  effectively such as Arnica, Aurum met:, Bryonia, Calcarea carbonica, Causticum:, Calcarea fluorica, Dulcamara, Kali bich: Kali carb, Kalmia, Ledum, Pulsatilla, Rhododendron, Rhus tox, Ruta grav etc.

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