Thursday, May 15, 2014

Eczema treatment by homeopathic medicine

Boil or flow out” and it comes  from the greek. In acute eczema  inflammation  and formation of little blisters of the skin. It leading to weeping and  ‘flowing ‘out of fluid. Inflammation of some superficial blood vessels and these are hot, red feeling and dilated.
Clinical features of eczema
Acute Eczema is a group of conditions and it changes in the skin specifically on  the surface. Eczema means “ to eczema – crusting, blistering with vesicles
Swelling, redness , weeping and scaling.
Chronic eczema
It is a chronic allergic skin irritation. It is itching  and on the inner surface of elbows and knees , the backs of the upper arms, wrists, scalp, or eyelids, cheeks  ,  flaking rash may be seen. In the homeopathic point, the suppression of skin eruptions due to cortisone or other drugs and this can causes deeper health problems.
It is pigmented, thickened, scratching or rubbing.
Causes of eczema
Perfumes, cosmetics, soaps
other cleaning fluids and detergents
·         water, Certain fabrics
·         Certain foods (e.g., milk, nuts)
Pollen,  mould, animal dander, pollen
Emotional stress can influence eczema.
Homeopathic treatment of eczema
Eczema is a completely  cureable  condition. It requires   constitutional, professional  and  prescribing. It clears up all immune weakness or allergies.
If asthma or hay fever and the skin will not resolve the whole syndrome   The remedies can give considerable relief and the remedies are used to  cure  eczema  on the deepest  level .  When suppression occurs by various ointments  then  sulphur is indicated.
Following important remedies are used in the homeopathic treatment of eczema.
Arsenicum- Anxious, restness, worried about health , picky, security , death.

Chilly, weakness, sips of cold water. Itching  sensation, burning. When burning itching sensation stops and when itching burning  sensation stops.

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