Friday, May 23, 2014


  It is highly contagious and infectious disease. It is a viral infectious disease and occurs during in the late winter to spring. Measles infected people are contagious from 4 days before the rash starts to 4 days afterwards. The infected  people’s  mucus in the nose and throat, the measles virus resides. The infected people’s sneeze or cough, droplets spray into the air. The  droplets  contagious and active for upto two hours. When exposure to the virus measles sign and symptoms appear between 10 to 12 days.
Sign and symptoms of measles-
Dry cough
Runny nose
Inflamed eyes
Sore throat
Sensitivity to light
Koplick’spots  found inside the mouth on the inner lining of the check and these are appear 2 to 3 days after initial symptoms. The skin rash large and flat blotches. The temperature of fever oftenly 104 F to 105F.
Red rash appears on the face and behind the ears. It spreads to the chest, back and to the thighs and feet. The rash fades after a week.
Homeopahic  medicine for measles:
Homeopathic medicines are most active and effective medicines for the measles affected people. When the unique symptoms are  collected and prescribed them. If the selected individually determined medicine,  the best dose and potency   the better results are found. Medical attention should also need to treat the patient. Following medicines are uses  for the treatment of measles.
When restlessness, anxiety and hard croupy cough are present. Catarrhal  indication, sneezing. The eruption appears and the disease is diagnosed.
Gelsemium-It is more useful remedy than aconite. Fever is most important symptoms, chilliness, apathetic.
The patient’s voice is harsh, barking, croupy cough, chest soreness and hoarseness.
Euphrasia;  catarhhal  symptoms are mostly found. The eyes  are red and swollen conjunctiva. The cough is dry and very hoarse.  When the eruption appears  headache is relieved. Worse in artificial light.
Pulsatila :  The fever is disappeared.  Coryza and lachrymation. At night the cough is still dry. Catarrhal digestive canal and diarrhea.
Sulphur: It is a great useful medicine. When the skin is dusky and the rash does not come out then it is proved.
Stramonium: when the rash is disappear and the patient is hot, restlessness, the child cries out when asleep.
Bryonia:  The rash appears late. The cough is painful, soreness of the limbs and body, stitches  feeling in the chest. Deep and violent cough. Oppressed respiration. There are also  used another medicine such as  Drosera, Sabadilla, Phosphorus, Zincum, Antimonium tartaricum, Cuprum.

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